Video Marketing In 2017
The vast majority of adult Internet users watch video online -- 78% according to the Pew Internet Project. Whether it is on their mobile devices while travelling or sitting at their desk.
The reality is that video is the nearest you will come to face to face interaction - and is by far the best way to help your prospects get to know, like and trust you.
The face carries the majority of communication between people, your voice and your appearance can all influence prospects even more than the words that come out of your mouth.
The old, text based internet was a sterile environment and used to be the worst possible way of trying to sell anything. These days things have turned on their head and the ability to use images, audio and videos has turned it into the best method other than having your prospects walk through your door.
Here's a few pointers for making videos that connect with prospects:
- Look appropriate to what you are selling. If you're a professional — wear a suit. If you're a plumber then wear your overalls.
- Pay attention to the background. Does it look professional? Workshops are good for tradesmen - just make sure they look organised.
- Branding, branding, branding! Make sure your brand image, logo and contact details are prominent somewhere!
- Prepare what you are going to say but don’t read from a script.
- Slice and dice. You don't have to pack everything into one video. In fact, short videos of no more than 2 minutes are best. So you want one on your home page with your essential selling offer of who you are and the benefit your provide. Then make lots more on small niche subjects to put wherever appropriate on your website.
- Post your videos on your website and create your own YouTube channel. Make sure you put a link back to your site into the description field on Youtube.
Not convinced? Check out this infographic from HighQ.